Codemasters gameshark home page:
This site was made for all of those people who cant find the perfect gameshark codes and desperatly need them.(Believe me im one of them!)Im currently buliding this site so please be patient it might be a few days.
This site is for gameshark codes for Pokemon gold,(Mabye silver most likely to.)red,blue,and yellow. Later on if I can figure out how im going to see if I can put up a code snapshot or two and a save snapshot for any one or all of these games. (You can only use these snapshots if you have a gameboy gameshark version 3.1 and higher and with the cord thingy that comes with it.)I may also include some N64 games though that will be last on my adjenda.
Lots of codes! check them out!!
Hey! look Its my buddies At!
Hey! it's my buddies at pokemon village! extremly great site to get links and other cheats!
If you have any codes to put on the site (non viral or destructive, I check them.)E-mail me at the link below!(If you want you can leave a nick-name no real names please and I will post that on the website if you contribute a code!)